Feeder Fish Mentality

He didn’t see a five-cent fish in the bowl, no, he saw gold. A good thing really for his underwater friend, because had he not, this small goldfish would have been another piece of meat for another variety of finned creature.

Instead, the owner of this small goldfish paid a whopping $200.00 to the veterinarian to remove a tumor in his abdomen.

Now, that is love displayed.

Or, stupidity.  You decide.

If you are familiar with goldfish, you know that they can be purchased for pennies.  He could have easily replaced his finned friend for a small monetary dent in his pocket book.  And, with less effort too.  Just a drive to the local pet store.

A dime a dozen for the feeder-fish variety.

Yet, this man, who had his moment of fame on the news as a result, chose to bypass the quick flush of the toilet for his treasured friend.

Why?  He saw value in this insignificant creature.

I know–for a fish.

But, sometimes I wonder if my worth is of any contribution to society.

And, at the end of the day, would someone want to spend time and effort on me–

There are, after all, other fish in the sea.

Others who do not have tumors that have grown from years of neglect, or, who were not scraped up in situations leaving them scarred for life.

Yet, this school of thought has me thinking this is not necessarily true. If God spent the time to delicately fine-tune the fingerprint on each and every individual on the face of the earth, I would venture to guess He did this as a trademark of His quality work.

So, if you, like me, question your value–know this:

You are of infinite value.  

If you wonder if you are worth it:

You are more precious than gold. 

The One who came into this world to rescue the lost pond-scums of society spent Himself to pay for you–

Because, you, my friend, are more than a mere goldfish in His eye, you are the apple of His eye.

What is the price of two sparrows—one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.  (Matthew 10:29-31 NLT)