Modern Inconveniences

This may surprise you, but there are times my bubbly, upbeat self can bubble-over in irritation at the smallest of life’s inconveniences.

For example, this morning, on my way out the door before sunrise to run, Daughter #2 informed me I ironed the wrong dress.

Apparently it was not the striped one with the matching blue cardigan, but the orange one with the tan sweater.  How could I have made such an error as this?  (Insert sarcasm here)


My makeshift profanity makes its way up my steamed collar as I apply steam to its orange ruffles and attempt to unruffle my feathers.

Because, really, I want to fan my flame by yelling to her to just wear the dress I ironed, or, better yet, iron the dress yourself!

But, I diffuse my fire instead by doing what is taught in ‘Parenting 101’ on how to deal with matters of frustration by placing my focus on my breathing, while counting a couple numbers, until my temperature is cool.

Cause, really, what is the big deal to be so steamed over stupid stuff?  It is not like this is the end of the world–or even the end of the day, since the day had only just begun.

Truth is, why all the upset over a slight inconvenience anyway?  Especially since it was literally an extra five minutes of disruption.

I don’t have an answer to such miniature explosive emotions, but I am reminded of the age-old verse about troubles and can hold onto it all the same:

Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.  For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow (James 1:2-3 NLT)


Author: josiebarone

Developing resilience through brokenness

2 thoughts on “Modern Inconveniences”

  1. If you would have ran at 3:30 this morning like I had suggested, you could have gotten your run in first. Then after running you would have been so happy, because running makes us happy, that you would have not only happily ironed one but two outfits and then even cleaned her room. Ok, now for the real world. I wish I had the control you have. Work in progress. Thankful that I have a forgiving son.


  2. Five am tomorrow for sure! But then there is the coyote issue..hmmm. Yes, it is always a work in progress isn’t it? Love you my friend.


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